CQB (Close Quarter Battle) or CQC (Close Quarter Combat) it simply means that you are in a fight for your life in close surroundings like a store or your house or an alley. Some place that is NOT out in the open. CQB is more difficult because you do not know what is around the corner or down the hall or behind the door or on the other side of your car. What to do? We will teach you what to do and increase your chances greatly of getting out alive. This is a one day class with a minimum of 10 students. So get your church your business or a group of 10 or more people together so collectively we as a people can learn how to protect ourselves and family members. Please give us a call so we can set up a date to provide you with this class.
We also teach an Active Shooter Class and what to do. This class is 4-6 hours long depending on the number of students above 10 students in the class.

There are actually three types of martial arts. There are cultural fighting arts combative sport, and self-defense. Learn moreFor more information on our classes, please take the time to fill out this form: